Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hard Rain

My body’s cold, my face dripping,
With no one around, my fear is gripping.
Taking me down, to the depths of sadness,
My soul is torn by thoughts of madness.

The rain pours on, with no end in sight,
I brace myself, get ready to fight.
The feeling of sorrow that’s filling my mind,
And replace it with joy, if that I can find.

I walk alone, with no light to guide,
I feel the water brush by my side.
I stumble and fall, in the mud and dirt,
I rise up again, not shaken, unhurt.

With no one to talk to, no one to share,
No one to love, and my burdens to bear,
I force myself to wash away the pain,
And make peace with the cold, hard rain.


  1. welcome to blogging .. i am ur first commenteee :P..... lovedd ur first post .. :).. brilliant start ... again welcomeee :)....

  2. i love the flow!! amazing post :):) ...keep posting!!

  3. nice lines dude... keep it flowin!

  4. you are great at this and you know it! :)

  5. hey i liked it a llllooottt. it's so articulate that the reader can picture it vividly. and m glad u bother to brush away some parts i went "awwwww"...yeah, i cn imagine hw it feels....this poem ka feeling i mean:-)i like like!!
