Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Brave

We try to be calm. We try to be brave,
We try our best, our hearts, to save.
But no one can tell just how bad it gets,
How far it goes, before the sun sets.

It’s not the last time that we meet, for sure.
It’s not the last time our eyes greet, once more.
Yet, still, the heart hardens when facts are faced,
When we see that our love, with spite has been laced.

We stop all the lying, all the cheating, all the hate.
We stop all our thinking, leaving it up to fate.
No more shall we share, cherish, nor keep.
The last of our tears has been put to sleep.

Our paths once seemed destined to be forever one,
Our paths are now split; as each other we shun.
Was it love we had? No, it was more.
But we shall never feel that way again, of this I’m sure.


  1. Things are much more simpler when you grow older. You'll get there :) Love this one too.
