Friday, October 5, 2012

Boy Meets Girl

Not long ago, there was a boy 
Who set off on his dream.
He carried with him nothing more than hope and courage; 
In his eyes they would gleam.

But one stormy night he lost them both, 
He knew not where to find.
He searched the path, both high and low, 
Almost losing mind.

Hope and courage both nowhere now, 
He looked back towards the start.
Taking one short step back home, 
He held his broken heart.

But then he felt a warmth around his hand, 
A comforting, kind touch.
Looking up, he saw a girl 
With bright eyes that shined so much.

She'd lost her hope and courage too, 
She told him as he listened.
He held her tight, and said, "It's fine," 
As tears in her eyes, they glistened.

The both of them sat on the ground, 
Not knowing what to do.
They sat in silence, weeping not, 
But sorrowful, too.

Then the boy stood up, held out his hand 
And said, "Let's walk together."
"We may not have what wanted at first, 
But at least we have each other."

The girl took his hand, smiled and said, 
"I'm glad that we do."
And down the road they walked hand-in-hand, 
with new found hope, courage and a little faith too.

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