Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Being Somebody

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to do something. Something worthwhile, that would make people stop and admire my work. You know, make a name for myself. I didn’t want to be just anybody. I wanted to be somebody.

I remember watching Jurassic Park as a kid and thinking to myself, “Someday, I’m gonna be a paleontologist.” I told that to my dad. What did he say about that? “Paleontologist? Hahaha! Now watch Superman and tell me you want to be him next! Ha!” I did.

Twelve years on, I’m not a paleontologist. Neither am I Superman. Batman would’ve seemed a more realistic dream, but what the heck did I know about building a Batmobile then? I’m still not who I want to be. My life so far has been one roller coaster ride of joy, sadness, pain, excitement, alcohol, death, hate and love; dejection and vodka go so well together.

I see people around me, but do they really exist? Lying, cheating bitching, backstabbing; “Fake” is what defines society today. Friends are the people you’re supposed to depend upon when you’re in need? No thanks. In the words of the not-so-great Nicholas Cage portraying the kind-of-cliché-but-cool Cameron Poe in the movie Con Air, “Sorry boss, but there’s only two men I trust. One of them's me. The other's not you.” Damn, I love that movie.

Call me a loner, a cynic. I am. I just don’t see the point in putting all your trust in people who wouldn’t take a bullet for you even after you did for them. Too scared of their own limitation. What limitations? Limitations only exist when you create them for yourselves. You need courage to be your own person.

So where am I getting at with all of this? Well, here’s a hint: Grow up. People make mistakes. Who doesn’t? Some people make the same mistake over and over again. And again. And again. Case in point – Me. It took me 12 months to realize what a prick I had been. But in the end I did come to that realization. I did confront myself. And I’ve changed. I’m not a prick anymore. I’m not asking you to be my BFF either. Just accept me. Acknowledge my existence.

But wait, don’t get all emo just yet, I’m not done.

So, finally, here I am now, sorry for my mistake, happy to be alive and ready to face my future. Alone? If I have to. I’m glad I made those mistake. I’m glad I hurt those people. I’m glad those people hurt me. I’m glad to be the only person I trust. I’m glad I’m not Superman. Because if it wasn’t for all of that, I wouldn’t be here right now. At the apex of my life. Letting go. Being free. Being somebody.


  1. pooja- wow! i am completely blown away! "somebody's" totally kickin ass! :)
    p.s "you gotta use somebody!!! :-P someone like you. . oh. .oh. .ohhh! :)"

    prathibha- what pooja said and seriously really good stuff! and jus a heads up-we're all someone's'somebody.

  2. you need limitations .. everyone needs limitations ... u need to know when u can draw a limit .. to the amountof pain, the guilt, the lies .. so limitations are good but u make them after u know urself .... also .. when i was a kid i wanted to be a waitress :P i have a feeling i might just end up doing that :P:P ..... p.s a lot of people more than just Acknowledge ur existence .... i am slowly joinin that group

  3. 1. thank you for acknowledging. :P

    2. i believe in showing restraint rather than keeping limitations.

    3. a lot of this (except the part about my childhood :P) was written keeping myself in someone else's shoes. so it's not really about me :)
