Friday, January 14, 2022


How is that even though I’m back home in Bangalore and have so much more free time, I still can’t manage to find the time to sit down and string together a few hundred words together for the blog?

Oh well. At least I’m finally doing it now. 

Halfway into the first month of 2022 and we’re already in a (near) lockdown. As long as things don’t get too bad, I guess we should be grateful that we’re getting this done with at the start of the year this time around. I can finally make a definite plan for that solo road trip I’ve been wanting to do ever since I bought my car. Where should I go? Pondicherry? Waynad? Coorg? HYDERABAD AGAIN?!?!?!!!

I’ve also finally started working on filling my house here with actual furniture and making it feel like a home, instead of just waiting for things to “get back to normal” before feeling like I need to settle in here. I bought a couch! And my sister bought me a nice TV table that fits perfectly in the corner of my living room. I can finally entertain more than three people at a time. Next up — buying my own bed instead of renting one.

Gotta tell ya, I’ve got a good feeling about this year. Mainly because I have no resolutions and no expectations and no plans. I’m going to just relax, and take my time and do whatever I need to, to make myself live the best possible life I’ve wanted to and OMG I’M TURNING 33 IN SIX MONTHS???@!@$#@Q#$!~)(!

*deep breath in* 
*deep breath out*


Okay but seriously. 2022’s the year of not trying to worry about the end of the world. It’s hard to do that when your job literally requires you to read about everything that’s wrong with the world. But it’s important to have downtime that doesn’t involve trying to drown your worries in alcohol on the first day of your weekend and then waste the whole of the second day recovering from the hangover of said alcohol drowning. 

First on the agenda this year is figuring out how to spend an unexpected free stretch of about nine days at the end of January because I was supposed to travel to Mumbai for a few days but since that’s not happening I need to do something to keep my occupied or I’m going to lose it sitting at home and watching TV and not have anything to do except alternate between the whole drinking and recovering thing I do on weekends except this time it’ll be like a weekend every day non-stop for nine days at a stretch and that’s definitely not a healthy thing to do right yeah I think so too.

I also realise I should probably start working on structuring these blogs a bit better. I never know what I’m going to write until I sit down in front of the laptop and just vomit words onto a document. Maybe working on a 150 words at a time and then putting it all together when I cross 1,000? Thoughts? Hit me up. No really, hit me up. It's getting a bit lonely up in here.

Also, thanks to my colleague for gifting me this extremely interesting read that I’m yet to read. I promise I won’t procrastinate and fini — OH YAY THE NEW BOBA FETT EPISODE’S OUT! 

Song recommendation of the month I guess because god knows when I'll be blogging again: