Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter Feaster

It’s that time of the year, peeps. Again. 

Nostalgia for home and how things were growing up always comes around twice a year in the Isaac household (being extremely generous with the term ‘household’ when it’s just me) — Christmas and Easter. 

Easter purchase of the year

I usually make it home in time for Christmas every year but I haven’t been able to do that with the Easter season. Maybe it’s because it comes around too close to Christmas, or I’m just too lazy to plan another trip home but I’ve spent the last three Easters away from family. The first year I didn’t really have a choice (thanks COVID). The second year, was a bit of a choice — it was just before the second wave when things were just about to go to shit and I decided to cancel my trip home just to be on the safe side (thanks again, COVID). 

This year, however, it was completely my choice to stay in Bangalore. I could’ve gone to Mumbai to be with the sister and her family just before my nephew’s First Holy Communion (I’m literally flying there THE DAY AFTER EASTER). Or I could’ve gone to Hyderabad to spend Easter with my parents and then flown out to Mumbai with them. 

But nooo, Independent Christopher had to go and make an adult choice to spend Easter NOT surrounded by a loving family that only wants the best for him. 🙃

But anyway, what’s done is done and here we are — it’s Easter and all I can do is behave like an adult and do the adult thing and host a party for a small group of close friends right? RIGHT? 

Haha, just kidding — I’mma spend the day eating beef burgers and chugging beer like it’s… Easter. AFTER I’ve attended mass where I’m singing in the choir of course, like the good boy I am. 

I’ll end this blog here, mainly because there’s nothing much else to report for now but hopefully there’ll be more to write about in a month (fingers crossed). And yeah, I know I haven’t been writing as much as I said I would but hey, it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want with it.

Happy Easter, y’all. 🍻

Song suggestion of the week month season: 

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